Charte de Protection des données privées

Responsable du traitement :
BPW France
11 Rue d’Édimbourg
Siège administratif
75008 Paris, France
e-mail :

Les informations et données collectées par l’application permettent d’améliorer et de personnaliser les services proposés et les informations adressées.

Le responsable du traitement est soucieux de la protection des données personnelles et s’engage à assurer le meilleur niveau de protection à vos données personnelles en conformité avec la loi « informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004 et le Règlement européen sur la protection des données personnelles UE 2016/679 (RGPD).

Les informations collectées par l’application font l’objet d’un traitement automatisé dans le respect des réglementations françaises et européennes en vigueur.

Les utilisateurs disposent via courrier électronique mentionné ci-dessus d’un droit d’accès et de rectification des données les concernant, ainsi que d’un droit d’opposition, pour motifs légitimes.

Le Responsable du traitement garanti la mise en œuvre de mesures de sécurité d’ordre technique et organisationnel afin d’assurer la protection et la confidentialité des données. L’hébergement de la solution est opéré dans des Datacenters situés en France.

General terms and conditions of use (GTCU) 

1. General presentation  


BPW France has created a mobile application called "BPW Connect". 

The platform is designed for BPW members around the world. With customisable privacy options, you can choose to remain invisible or join our directory, displaying your profile details when you register. Easily schedule appointments or offer support to other BPW members whenever they need it. Join the BPW Connect community and unlock endless networking opportunities tailored to your preferences. 


The application is available to download from the App Store and Play Store. It is free and does not include any paid services. 


The user, whether or not he/she has a BPW Connect account, undertakes to read and accept all the Terms and Conditions governing the use of the application. 

2. Definitions 

In these GCU :  


- Administrator" means a person who is a member of BPW France or who has been appointed by BPW France and who is authorised to access the technical information of the BPW Connect application and, if necessary, the personal data of all users for the purposes of complying with a request in the context of exercising a right relating to the protection of personal data or for the purposes of carrying out maintenance or configuration actions likely to modify the operation of the application;  

- Member" means a natural person who is a member of a BPW Club and has an account on the BPW Connect application; 

- User" means any person who downloads or uses the BPW Connect application. 

- Registered user" means any person who downloads or uses the BPW Connect application without being a BPW club member.  


3. Description of BPW Connect services 


The BPW Connect application gives anyone access to information content (blog articles, events calendar) published by BPW France.  


BPW Connect enables all registered users to :  


 - access the directory of members, supporters and partners of BPW France, BPW Europe and BPW International;  

4. Conditions applicable to BPW Connect members 

4.1 Creating an account on BPW Connect  


Creating an account on the BPW Connect  is open to everyoneYou must be over 18 years of age.  

Each registered person undertakes to use their true identity to create their account and to provide accurate and up-to-date information about themselves. They may not use a pseudonym, or an assumed name. An account is strictly personal and may only be used by the person who holds the account. 


BPW France reserves the right, in compliance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, to take any relevant steps in order to verify that a user who has decided to create an account is regularly registered in a BPW Club in order to identify him (tag) as a member. 


4.2 Confidentiality  


The registered user acknowledges that any person holding an account may access the information they decide to share. 


The user undertakes not to distribute this information to third parties or to re-use this information for purposes other than those set out in article 3 of these GCU.  

4.3 Moderation of illegal content 


BPW France does not moderate content before it is published by a registered user.  


All registered users acknowledge that they are fully responsible for any content they publish, in particular their personal information and photographs.  


The registered user undertakes not to disseminate via BPW Connect any content that is illegal within the meaning of the legislation in force in France, including content and comments that are abusive, defamatory or contrary to public order and morality, content that incites violence and hatred, content that glorifies crimes, content that is racist, discriminatory or that invites the user to commit illegal or dangerous acts, as well as any photograph or image protected by copyright. 


The registered user acknowledges that he/she has been informed that the dissemination of any illegal content is punishable by law and is punishable under the French Penal Code. 


Any illegal content will be moderated by the administrator.  

In this respect, the administrator may ask the member concerned to delete the illegal content without delay, or delete the said content without the prior agreement of the registered user, who will be informed a posteriori.  


Any illegal content may be reported to BPW France by any user or any person targeted by this content. This report should be sent by email to BPW France at the following address:  


BPW France reserves the right to bring an action before the competent courts in order to hold a member liable for any breach of this article.  


4.3 Deleting an account  


All registered users have the option of deleting their account via the BPW Connect application. This deletion entails :  

1) Immediate inaccessibility of the account and associated information by all members and 2) Deletion of all personal data from the application's databases within 3 months.  


BPW France may also suspend or delete the account of a user who:  


5. Protection of personal data  

BPW France is required to process personal data in order to provide the BPW Connect application and undertakes to comply with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data in the European Union and in France.  

Users' personal data is hosted in France.  

Users can find information on the management of their personal data via the "Protection of personal data" link.  


6. Intellectual property rights 

BPW France declares that it holds all intellectual property rights to the content distributed via the BPW Connect application.  

Therefore, the trademarks, logos, domain names, downloadable documents, photographic representations and all distinctive signs relating to the BPW Connect application are considered to be intellectual works over which BPW France holds all intellectual and commercial property rights.  


The user is hereby informed that the application (source code) is protected by the intellectual property rights of SAS SYNERTIC, a subcontractor of BPW France.  


The right of use granted does not entail any transfer of intellectual property to the users of the BPW Connect application. 


Any reproduction, disclosure, distribution, representation, translation, dissemination, modification or transcription, in whole or in part, of all or part of the BPW Connect application, whatever the medium and whatever the process used, outside the conditions agreed by BPW France, is formally prohibited.  

In particular, the user is prohibited from reproducing or attempting to reproduce a directory for professional or commercial purposes from the information accessible on BPW Connect. 


Any infringement of the provisions of this article shall constitute an offense of counterfeiting and shall render the perpetrator civilly and criminally liable, in accordance with the laws in force. 

7. Security  

Registered users undertake to keep their login and password confidential and not to share them with any third party, either verbally or in writing.  

Each registered user must define a password that is a minimum of 14 characters, including upper case, lowercase and numbers, with no special characters required. You may be asked to renew your password in accordance with current security recommendations .  

The registered user is hereby informed that sharing his/her login and password could compromise the security of the BPW Connect application and render him/her liable for a security incident or a breach of personal data.  

Each registered user undertakes to notify BPW France without delay of any unintentional disclosure or theft of their login details and/or password, and of any theft of the equipment used to access their BPW Connect account (mobile phone, tablet ). This notification will enable BPW France to take all necessary measures to preserve the security of the data and the application, including the suspension or deletion of the account.  

In the event of suspected fraudulent use of the BPW Connect application, BPW France reserves the right, without prior notice, to suspend or delete a member's account.  

8. Applicable law  

These general terms and conditions of use are governed by French law.  

9. Revision of the GTCU  

BPW France reserves the right to amend these GCU at any time in order to take account of regulatory changes and developments in the application and/or its operation.  

In the event of a change, BPW France will inform users and members by publishing a notice on the application, or by any other relevant means (press release, e-mail), at least 7 days before the amended TOU come into force. Any changes to the GCU will require the acceptance of BPW Connect users and members.  

Date of publication of the legal notice and GTU : 20/03/2024 version 1.0 .  

Personal data protection policy for the BPW Connect application 

The purpose of the notices below is to inform users of the processing of their personal data as required by the applicable regulations (Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties).  

All Users undertake to read this policy and agree to their data being processed in accordance with it.  

These notices are written in French and translated into English. In the event of any conflict of interpretation, the French version shall prevail .   

1. Liability 

The party responsible for processing personal data is BPW France, an association whose registered office is at 11 rue d'Edimbourg, 75008 Paris, France.  

2. Description of data processing  

The data of registered users and BPW members is collected and used for various purposes, which are described below. 

2.1 Installation and operation of the Application  

When you download the application on their smartphone or tablet , the user's technical data is automatically sent to the host: terminal identifier, smartphone name, type (iOS, Android), model, phone configuration language, date the application was first launched and date it was last launched. 


This transmission of data is necessary for the provision of the application service and is based on the legitimate interests of the data controller.  

The connection logs are also generated when using the BPW Connect application. These logs are necessary for security purposes. Processing is therefore necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller. 

2.2 Creating a BPW Connect account  

To create an account, users must provide the following information: username, e-mail address, first name and surname.  

Users may, on their own initiative, provide additional (optional) information to complete their profile:  

- Profile picture ; 

The administrator assigns a tag to each member: member /ambassador.  

Users' data is collected with their consent (when they tick the appropriate box when creating their account).    

2.3 Account management 

BPW France may use the data provided by the member for verification or moderation purposes, in accordance with the GCU, i.e. :  

This processing is based on BPW France's legitimate interest in ensuring the proper use of the BPW Connect application.      

2.4 Communication with BPW France  

BPW France will use the personal data of any user or member in order to respond to a request or report made by them or to which they are the subject.  

This processing is based on the legitimate interests of BPW France.  


2.5 Audience measurement  


BPW France processes user data for the purposes of audience measurement and site performance evaluation.  

The data held on each user is as follows: number of sessions, number of items of content accumulated, average time per session. 


These data generate global and anonymous statistics on the number of visits to the application and do not require the user's consent.  


This processing is based on the legitimate interests of BPW France. 


3. Who are the data recipients?  

The personal data recorded by members is accessible to BPW France.  

Where necessary and strictly in accordance with the law or contract, the hosting provider, based in France, may access user and member data (e.g. in response to requests from the data subject, competent police or judicial authorities, application maintenance, etc.). 

Registered users are informed that their data is visible to other BPW Connect users, who may use it in accordance with the GTC.  

4. How long is the User's data kept?  

The user's data is kept for as long as the user uses the BPW Connect application.  

If the user deletes any of his/her "optional" data on his/her own initiative, the user's data will be deleted immediately from the Application's databases. 

In the event of account deletion, all user data will be permanently deleted 3 months after notification of confirmation of deletion (see T&Cs for details).  

Data may be kept for an additional period if it is necessary for the exercise or defence of legal rights, particularly in the event of a breach of the GTC by a user or member.  

5. What rights do Users have over their personal data?  

Users and members have a number of rights in relation to their personal data: the right to access, rectify and delete their data. They also have the right to portability of their data and to limit processing, as well as the right to provide instructions for the management of their data on their death.  

Registered users may withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of their consent (art. 13.2 c) of the RGPD). In this case, they will no longer be able to use all or part of the BPW Connect services, as appropriate.  

To find out more about your rights, visit the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés) website. 

6. How can I exercise my rights concerning my personal data?  

Registered users may modify their personal details directly via the application and delete their account at any time. The deletion of their account will result in the deletion of their personal data in accordance with the period set out in point 4. above.  

To exercise their rights or if they have any questions relating to the protection of personal data, users may also send an e-mail to BPW France at the following address:  

All requests will be answered within 30 days. In the event of dissatisfaction with the response provided, or in the event of failure to receive a response within the time limit set, any user may lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority for the protection of personal data (the CNIL in France).


Conditions générales d’utilisation (CGU) 

  1. Présentation générale  


BPW France a créé une application mobile appelée « BPW Connect ». 

La plateforme est inventée pour les membres BPW du monde entier. Grâce aux options de confidentialité personnalisables, vous pouvez choisir de rester invisible ou de vous inscrire à notre répertoire, affichant les détails de votre profil lors de votre inscription. Planifiez facilement des rendez-vous ou offrez votre soutien aux autres membres du BPW chaque fois qu'ils en ont besoin. Rejoignez la communauté BPW Connect et débloquez des opportunités de réseautage infinies adaptées à vos préférences. 


L’application est disponible au téléchargement sur les plateformes « App Store » et « Play Store ». Elle est gratuite et ne comporte aucun service payant. 


L’utilisateur, titulaire ou non d’un compte BPW Connect, s’engage à lire et à accepter l’ensemble des CGU qui régissent l’utilisation de l’application. 


2. Définitions 

Au sein des présentes CGU :  

- « Administrateur » désigne une personne, membre de BPW France ou missionnée par BPW France, qui est habilitée à accéder aux informations techniques de l’application BPW Connect et, si nécessaire, aux données personnelles de l’ensemble des utilisateurs aux fins de faire droit à une demande dans le cadre de l’exercice d’un droit relatif à la protection des données personnelles ou aux fins de réaliser des actions de maintenance ou de configuration susceptibles de modifier le fonctionnement de l’application;  

- « Membre » désigne une personne physique adhérente à un club BPW qui est titulaire d’un compte sur l’application BPW Connect; 

- « Utilisateur » désigne toute personne qui télécharge ou utilise l’application BPW Connect 

- “ Utilisateur inscrit ” désigne toute personne qui télécharge ou utilise l’application BPW Connect, sans être adhérent à club BPW.  


3. Description des services BPW Connect 


L’application BPW Connect permet à toute personne d’accéder au contenu à visée informationnelle (articles de blog, agenda des évènements) édité par BPW France.  


BPW Connect permet à tout utilisateur inscrit :  


 - d’accéder à l’annuaire des membres, des sympathisants et partenaires de BPW France, BPW Europe et BPW International;  


4. Conditions applicables aux membres BPW Connect 


4.1 Création d’un compte sur BPW Connect  


La création d’un compte sur l’application BPW Connect  est ouverte à toutes et tous, à condition d’être majeure (avoir plus de 18 ans).  


Chaque personne inscrite membre s’engage à utiliser sa véritable identité pour la création de son compte et à fournir des informations exactes et à jour le concernant. Elle ne peut utiliser de pseudonyme, ni de nom d’emprunt. Un compte est strictement personnel et ne peut être utilisé que par la personne titulaire de ce compte. 


BPW France se réserve le droit de réaliser, dans le respect de la réglementation applicable en matière de protection des données personnelles, toute démarche pertinente afin de vérifier qu’un utilisateur ayant décidé de créer un compte est régulièrement inscrit dans un club BPW pour l’identifier (tag) membre. 


4.2 Confidentialité  


L'utilisateur inscrit reconnaît que toute personne titulaire d’un compte peut accéder aux informations qu’elle décide de partager. 


Il s’interdit de diffuser ces informations à des tiers et de réutiliser ces informations à d’autres fins que celles prévues par l’article 3 des présentes CGU.  


4.3 Modération du contenu illicite 


BPW France ne réalise aucune modération des contenus avant leur publication par un utilisateur inscrit.  


Chaque utilisateur inscrit reconnaît être pleinement responsable de tout contenu qu’il publie notamment ses informations personnelles et sa photographie.  


L'utilisateur inscrit s’interdit de diffuser via BPW Connect tout contenu illicite au sens de la législation en vigueur en France, parmi lesquels figurent les contenus et propos injurieux, diffamatoires ou contraires à l’ordre public et aux bonnes moeurs, les contenus incitant à la violence et à la haine, les contenus faisant l’apologie de crimes, les contenus à caractère raciste, discriminant ou invitant à commettre des actes illicites ou dangereux ainsi que toute photographie ou image protégée par des droits d’auteurs. 


L’utilisateur inscrit reconnaît être informé que la diffusion de tout contenu illicite est réprimée par la loi et est sanctionnée par le code pénal en France. 


Tout contenu illicite fera l’objet d’une modération par l’administrateur.  

A ce titre, l’administrateur pourra demander au membre concerné d’effacer sans délai le contenu illicite, ou effacer ledit contenu sans l’accord préalable de l’utilisateur inscrit, qui en sera informé a posteriori.  


Tout contenu illicite peut faire l’objet d’un signalement à BPW France par tout utilisateur ou toute personne visée par ce contenu. Ce signalement est à adresser par email à BPW France à l’adresse suivante :  


BPW France se réserve le droit de saisir les juridictions compétentes pour engager la responsabilité d’un membre qui ne respecterait pas le présent article.  


4.3 Suppression de compte  


Chaque utilisateur inscrit a la possibilité de supprimer son compte via l’application BPW Connect. Cette suppression entraîne :  

1) L’inaccessibilité immédiate du compte et des informations associées par tous les membres et 2) L’effacement de l’ensemble de ses données personnelles des bases de données de l’application dans un délai de 3 mois ferme.  


BPW France a également la possibilité de suspendre ou de supprimer le compte d’un utilisateur qui:  

5. Protection des données personnelles  

BPW France est amené à traiter des données personnelles pour la fourniture de l’application BPW Connect et s’engage à respecter la réglementation applicable à la protection des données personnelles dans l’Union Européenne et en France.  

Les données personnelles des utilisateurs sont hébergées en France.  

Les utilisateurs peuvent prendre connaissance des informations relative à la gestion de leurs données personnelles via le lien « Protection des données personnelles ».&nbs